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:: Volume 6, Issue 20 (Spring 2018 2018) ::
3 2018, 6(20): 39-50 Back to browse issues page
Testing the Structural Model of Purchase Intention of Sport Consumers based on Value–Attitude–Behavior Hierarchy
Adel Afkar 1, Farshad Tojari2 , Ali Zarei3
1- PhD Student of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran , afkar.adel@gmail.com
2- Professor, Department of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3- Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (4929 Views)
The aim of the present study was to test sport consumers’ purchase intention model with an approach of value–attitude–behavior hierarchy. The study was application in terms of aim, and descriptive-causal in terms of nature. The statistical population included physical education students. The required data were collected using a researcher-made scale of consumer values-perceived product attributes and standardized scales of attitude towards brand, attitude towards goods and purchase intention (Lee et al., 2013). Validity of the scale was approved by content validity (CVR>0.62) and reliability was checked by Cronbach's alpha test (α=0.792). For data analysis, SPSS and LISREL software were used. Results showed that consumer values and perceived product attributes had significant and positive effects on the formation of attitude towards brand and goods and attitude towards brand had significant and positive effects on the formation of attitude towards goods. Also, attitude towards goods variable had significant and positive effects on the sport consumers’ purchase intention. The proposed research model had a good fit (RMSEA=0.0008) in the target population.
Keywords: Attitude, consumer, purchase intention, sporting goods, value
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Afkar A, Tojari F, Zarei A. Testing the Structural Model of Purchase Intention of Sport Consumers based on Value–Attitude–Behavior Hierarchy. 3 2018; 6 (20) :39-50
URL: http://ntsmj.issma.ir/article-1-1067-en.html

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