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:: Volume 6, Issue 21 (Summer 2018) ::
3 2018, 6(21): 9-20 Back to browse issues page
The Effect of Athlete Brand on Identification and Effectiveness of Celebrity Athlete Endorsement
Zohreh Hassani 1, Mahmoud Goodarzi2 , Majid Jalali Farahani3 , Ebrahim Alidoust Ghahfarrokhi3
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran , hassanizohreh76@yahoo.com
2- Professor, Department of Sport Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3- Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (5489 Views)
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of athlete brand image on identification with athletes and the effectiveness of celebrity athlete endorsement. The statistical population consisted of students of Azad University as well as Razi University in Kermanshah and 500 subjects were studied as the sample. Athlete Brand Image Questionnaire by Arai, Jae Ko & Kaplanidou (2013) study (α=0.89), Cohen & Perse’s Identification Scale (2003) (α=0.89) and Celebrity Athlete Endorsement Questionnaire adopted from Van der Waldet, De Beer & Du Plessis (2007) developed scale (α=0.76); their structural and content validity was confirmed. The results of structural equation modeling indicated that athlete brand image had a significant impact factor on endorsement and identification. Identification as a mediator had a significant effect between athlete brand image and endorsement. This mediating role for sport products was more effective than non-sport products. This finding emphasized the congruity of endorser-audience as well as endorser-product.
Keywords: Athlete brand image, endorsement, identification, model, structural equation.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Hassani Z, Goodarzi M, Jalali Farahani M, Alidoust Ghahfarrokhi E. The Effect of Athlete Brand on Identification and Effectiveness of Celebrity Athlete Endorsement. 3 2018; 6 (21) :9-20
URL: http://ntsmj.issma.ir/article-1-1117-en.html

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