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:: Volume 4, Issue 13 (Summer 2016) ::
3 2016, 4(13): 35-47 Back to browse issues page
A Model of Sport Tourism Development in Iran International Sport Events in Volleyball
Abstract:   (7048 Views)

The importance of generating revenues on one hand and the necessity of paying attention to tourism in sport on the other hand make the significant role of developing tourism clear. In this regard, the present study aimed at presenting a model for sport tourism development in Iran international sport events (case study: volleyball). The method was mixed and applied and the population included members of Sport Tourism Commission of National Olympic Committee, managers of Iran Touring and Tourism Organization, members of Sport Tourism Association of Sport for All Federation, managers of Volleyball Federation, staff managers of Ministry of Sport and Youth and National Olympic Committee and sport management and tourism experts. Census sampling method was used to select sample (n=120) and finally 116 questionnaires were received.  The results showed that legal factors were of more importance in Iran international sport tourism development in volleyball (t=8.6). So it is necessary to build and equip sport tourism centers for volleyball in different climatic regions of the country and to legislate in order to encourage and support domestic and foreign sport tourism investors for volleyball.

Keywords: environmental attractiveness, legal factors, management factors, sport tourism, volleyball
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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A Model of Sport Tourism Development in Iran International Sport Events in Volleyball . 3 2016; 4 (13) :35-47
URL: http://ntsmj.issma.ir/article-1-689-en.html

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