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:: Volume 4, Issue 13 (Summer 2016) ::
3 2016, 4(13): 49-59 Back to browse issues page
Identification of Problems and Benefits of Indoor School Olympiad Project: A Case Study of Mazandaran Province
Abstract:   (5628 Views)

The aim of this study was to identify problems and benefits of indoor school Olympiad project in Mazandaran province. The method was functional and mixed. To identify problems and benefits, Delphi method by a questionnaire survey and meetings with 10 physical education experts of cities of Mazandaran province were used. In the quantitative section, the population consisted of 1517 physical education teachers working in Mazandaran Education Organization department. The sample was selected according to Morgan Table (n=312). The data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire with a 5-point Likert Scale (α=0.87). To rank the factors under study, the Friedman test and SPSS22 statistical software were used. The results showed that three problems facing this Olympiad were lack of information and proper planning from the ministries to departments, lack of safety and appropriate facilities to hold the Olympiad and lack of awareness of the goals and lack of cooperation of the organizers respectively. The benefits that occupied the first to third places were identity of the physical education course and teachers, positive social behaviors and support and participation of colleagues and parents to hold the Olympiad.

Keywords: benefits, indoor school Olympiad, Mazandaran province, physical education teachers, problems
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Identification of Problems and Benefits of Indoor School Olympiad Project: A Case Study of Mazandaran Province. 3 2016; 4 (13) :49-59
URL: http://ntsmj.issma.ir/article-1-690-en.html

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