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:: Volume 5, Issue 16 (Spring 2017) ::
3 2017, 5(16): 21-34 Back to browse issues page
Constructing Consumer Behavior Questionnaire in Sport for All
Abstract:   (5658 Views)
The aim of this study was to construct and determine the validity and reliability of sport consumer behavior instrument in sport for all. 560 participants in sport for all were selected through stratified random sampling method as the sample. 21 items were extracted by studying and collecting texts and articles related to sport consumer behavior. Content ratio and construct validity were respectively used to check the validity of the questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha was used to test the reliability. The results of exploratory factor analysis revealed three dimensions named as "frequency of participation", "purchase intentions" and "media consumption". Based on confirmatory factor analysis and by eliminating one of the items with factor loading lower than the desired level, the results showed that all the items had the optimum factor loading. The results showed those indexes necessary for model fit were desirable (CMIN/DF=5.21, GFI=0.893, TLI=0.868, CFI=1.0, PNFI=0.73, RMSEA=0.078). Cronbach's alpha for the whole instrument and subscales of frequency of participation, purchase intentions and media consumption were respectively 0.89, 0.851, 0.847, 0.774. The current study provided a suitable instrument with desirable reliability and validity to assess sport consumer behavior so that the scientific and research community of sport marketing could benefit from it to evaluate the sports industry.
Keywords: reliability, sport consumer behavior, sport consumption, sport marketing, validity
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Constructing Consumer Behavior Questionnaire in Sport for All. 3 2017; 5 (16) :21-34
URL: http://ntsmj.issma.ir/article-1-883-en.html

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