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:: Volume 10, Issue 39 (Winter 2023) ::
3 2023, 10(39): 83-101 Back to browse issues page
Designing and Compiling a model of professional competencies of managers in managing the country's sports crises with data Theory Foundation approach
Reza Rezanejad 1, Mir hasan Seyyed ameri2 , Eskandar Hosseinpur2
1- urmia university , Sprezanejad@yahoo.com
2- urmia university
Abstract:   (1860 Views)
            The real areas of crises in sports testify to the incompetency of managers, therefore, identifying and increasing crisis management capacity is one of the management challenges. The aim of this study was to design and develop a model of managers' competencies in managing national and international sports crises in the country. The research method was exploratory in nature and using the emerging approach (Glaser), the data theory of the foundation was done. The statistical population in this qualitative study was 25 people familiar with the literature of crisis management, diplomacy, and sports management,who were selected purposefully and based on a theoretical approach.. Data analysis was performed in a simultaneous manner and with open coding, selective coding, and theoretical coding. Having done the analyses, 17 main categories were identified including : adherence to religious principles and professional ethics, reputation, individual and social personality, mental abilities and soft intelligence, accountability and transparency based on affairs, decision-making skills, legalism, Perceptual and capable ability to provide timely and appropriate feedback on crises, knowledge and scientific competence, organizational competencies, conscientiousness and foresight, effective communication and diplomacy skills, self-management and human resources, modernity and developmental thinking, belief in scientific and Believing in scientific-research achievements and scientific experiences in crisis prevention, risk analysis and risk assessment, soft organizational leadership, ability to manage time as competencies. Developing this model provides an opportunity for managers to assess their skills based on the skills required, and focus on acquiring the skills necessary to manage crises in sport. Finally, these skills could be of great use for managers in training to prepare them for senior sports management positions, especially in times of crisis.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Keywords: sports crises, Competence of sports managers, Crisis managemen
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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rezanejad R, seyyed ameri M H, Hosseinpur E. Designing and Compiling a model of professional competencies of managers in managing the country's sports crises with data Theory Foundation approach. 3 2023; 10 (39) :83-101
URL: http://ntsmj.issma.ir/article-1-1906-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 39 (Winter 2023) Back to browse issues page
رویکردهایی نوین در مدیریت ورزشی New Trends in Sport Management
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